
Marsh & Associates provides access to resources that it has developed and maintained through cooperation and funding from federal, state, and non-government agencies for the benefit of the natural resources of the Southwest. These resources are provided free of charge in the hope that they will be utilized by conservation biologists and management entities to guide research and management decisions. This growing list of resources is part of our promise to not only provide sound science to our customers, but provide opportunities for all cooperators to continue to expand their knowledge and contribute to the conservation of wildlife.

The Minckley Library is a searchable online library of citations that were collected over the life of W. L. Minckley. The library contains over 10,000 citations of articles, reports, court documents, and other print media relevant to aquatic research.

The Lower Colorado River Native Fish Database is a collective repository of native fish data for the lower Colorado River including stocking and capture records for bonytail, flannelmouth sucker, and razorback sucker. The online portion of the database was designed specifically for searching by PIT tag for a fish’s stocking and capture history.

A recent addition to Marsh & Associates online resources is the Lower Colorado River PIT Scanning Database. This database is meant to act as a central repository of remote PIT scanning data for native fish work in the lower Colorado River. Simple PIT tag searches are provided for all individuals through the search page of the The Lower Colorado River Native Fish Database. Data entry and summary reporting are provided through a password protected site.