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Bonita Creek Fish Monitoring 2015

Marsh & Associates (M&A) with assistance from Bureau of Land Management (BLM) visited lower Bonita Creek, Graham Co., Arizona to sample fishes …

Loach Minnow in Upper Blue River

Blue River is tributary to San Francisco River in the greater Gila River basin. Its headwaters are in the physiographic setting of …

Lake Havasu Bonytail: Annual Report 2014

Bonytail (Gila elegans) is federally listed as endangered and considered functionally extirpated from its historical range, and its presence in the Colorado …

Eagle Creek 2014

We sample Eagle Creek annually to collect long-term fish monitoring data. We have routinely collected 6 native fish species in the upper …

Bonita Creek Native Fish Monitoring

Marsh & Associates (M&A) has been monitoring native fish and removing nonnative sunfishes from Bonita Creek, Graham Co., Arizona with assistance and financial …

June Sucker Stocking Evaluation

June sucker Chasmistes liorus is an endangered species endemic to Utah Lake, Utah. The lake historically supported 13 native fish species, but …